Monday, December 4, 2023

Myths About Disabilities

I need to vent just a little:)

I started my LLC 5 years ago. I noticed pretty soon after that, that some people believed that I was trying to force people with disabilities to get a job! I received some Hater-Aid on my social media pages. Comments that unfortunately made me second guess myself; I wont go into details about what was said, but the comments were so negative that I even thought about giving up my LLC:( Thankfully, I have surrounded myself with family and friends that remind me about the importance of the work I am doing. My teaching experiences, and the situations I have been through while raising my son (he's autistic) is validation that more is needed to support STRIVE for Exceptional Excellence. So, I continued on even added more to my to my LLC. Moving forward, I decided to research what reputable companies (businesses) feel about the subject of working with a disabilities (in other words, I "Google It" ) I came across an interesting article titled: Myths and Facts About People with Disabilities What's interesting is that there are more myths about the subject of disabilities then most people realize. The myth that disturbed me the most is the idea that if you are diagnosed with a disability, society assumes that you have no abilities. What?! I find that myth #12 is one of the worst assumptions that I have ever heard. The idea that people think that if an individual has a disability, they are incapable of any task! that's basically saying that: "People with disabilities always need help." however it should be known that; " many people with disabilities are independent and capable of giving help. If you would like to help someone with a disability, ask if he or she needs before you act." My son is autistic. He is 31 years old (OMG! My baby grew up so fast!) and believe it or not, he can do many things that I can't. His breakfast cooking skills are unbelieve. He makes pancakes and french toast better that anyone I know (Restaurants too). My son can drive a car. A skill that I still have not acquired. He also has the kindest heart. A personality traits that many people are missing. The point I'm trying to make is we all have abilities. We all have things we can and can not do. As the article Myths and Facts About People with Disabilities stated, many people diagnosed are independent. We must do our due diligence in order to determine a person's capabilities. I encourage the use of interest surveys. Interest surveys help determine what jobs maybe suitable for each potential employee; When you choose a career that matches your interest, you're more likely enjoy your job. I also encourage including volunteer work onto your resume'. Employers want to know about your past job experiences. Volunteer work is a job experience. So, be sure to add it to your resume. Ok. I think I'm finish venting. I am interested in hearing what others have to say about this subject. Reply to my post or contact me via my website STRIVE for Exceptional Excellence .

💙💛 Keep STRIVE-ing